Globe and NABU partner to help develop the reading skills of Filipino youth
Despite the Philippines having an average basic literacy rate of 95%, there are still pockets of illiteracy in different regions, especially in rural and remote areas that are hardest to reach by educators. Illiteracy is a key issue that hampers an individual’s ability to function in society. It limits employment opportunities and perpetuates the cycle Read More
Cleene CLIO celebrated World Oral Health Day by making clean teeth possible for families
Cleene CLIO celebrated World Oral Health Day this year by promoting good oral hygiene for Filipino families through their wide range of affordable and quality toothbrushes. A product of proudly Filipino company PHILUSA Corporation, Cleene CLIO has been an ardent supporter of this global oral health initiative, especially with oral care that was given less Read More
Beko’s SteamCure Hygiene+ washing machine uses steam to loosen stains and dirt
Growing up, I already knew that hot water helped loosen stubborn stains and dirt on clothes. We did not have a washing machine then but I saw our helper pour hot water on our clothes and leave it soaking before washing them by hand. Many years later, when we already had a washing machine, we Read More
Join the Philippines’ first Filipino Family WellBeing Conference (FFWC)
The Filipino family has been extremely challenged during this COVID pandemic. Almost overnight, lives changed. Businesses closed down, some permanently. Many breadwinners lost their jobs or had to take a cut in pay. Children stopped schooling. And worse of all, many had to experience the loss of loved ones to the virus. It also did Read More
The SAFE STEPS Kids programme teaches kids safety measures while watching Cartoon Network
Who doesn’t know the Powerpuff Girls? As the mom of four growing kids some years back, I still remember how they were hooked on Cartoon Network and one of the shows they watched all the time was the Powerpuff Girls. Well, the Powerpuff Girls and more of their Cartoon Network buddies are back again, not Read More
Plan your vacation with Singapore Airlines and MasterCard during their Midyear Travel Fair this July 2016
You can now see the world on ridiculously affordable prices as Singapore Airlines and MasterCard, together with SilkAir, the airline’s sister carrier, launch the largest nationwide Mid-Year Travel Fair from July 8-31, 2016. By availing of this promotional deal, you also get a chance to win a trip to Germany or South Africa. But I Read More
Masflex celebrates 25 years in the Philippines with a wide range of cookware and kitchenware
When a brand celebrates 25 years of existence in the Philippines, you know that not only are they here to stay but that they have grown and expanded throughout the years to provide even better options for their customers. At a recent celebration of Masflex‘s 25 years of cookware and kitchenware innovation in the Philippines, Read More
Experiencing the Watsons challenge to take the Switch Test
Question: If you could save up to 80% on body lotion, 60% on body scrub, and 55% on a hair iron, would you switch brand? I would likely consider it strongly. After all, as a mother with a large family and a limited budget, little savings here and there mean I can use the savings Read More
You Can & You Will: A campaign that gives women the power over cervical cancer
Did you know that… * Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among Filipinas? * 7 Filipino women die DAILY of cervical cancer? * 2 out of 3 Filipinas diagnosed with cervical cancer may die within 5 years? While that may sound like a death sentence, IT ISN’T…..if we know how to Read More
GSK launches its Asthmalaya campaign for World Asthma Day
Asthma is not a joke and I personally know why. All my kids had asthma as kids. My sister and I also suffered from asthma as kids. An aunt died of asthma complications. And I had a scary episode with one of my kids because of an asthmatic episode. Asthma is NOT to be taken Read More