Where can you find a store that gives you part of your purchase amount back? Definitely not in malls! Not in our neighborhood sari-sari store!
But PayMaya does! Depending on your luck, you get 1%, 10% or a full 100% PayMaya cashback on your purchases, bills payment, food orders, and other activities on PayMaya.
When I opened up my PayMaya the other day, I noticed a banner that said I could check my 2020 Cashless Lifestyle results. Curious me wanted to know exactly what my spending habit on PayMaya was. Check this out.

To be honest, while I use PayMaya to make purchases, these have not been really huge ones. But my son has been using it like his wallet for a long time. So again, curious me asked him to check his PayMaya cashback and holy moly, this is what he got back.
Anak, ano ang mga pinambibili mo? (Son, what have you been buying?). Hahaha!
Well, it just proves to me that using PayMaya pays! Maybe this 2021, I should use PayMaya for more of my online activities.