GSK launches its Asthmalaya campaign for World Asthma Day

Asthma is not a joke and I personally know why. All my kids had asthma as kids. My sister and I also suffered from asthma as kids. An aunt died of asthma complications. And I had a scary episode with one of my kids because of an asthmatic episode.

Asthma is NOT to be taken lightly.

For these reasons, I am always supportive of campaigns that draw attention to asthma and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. That is why, as World Asthma Day was being celebrated a few weeks back, I lent my support to GSK’s ASTHMAlaya Campaign.

Resource speakers

Here are some things that one must know about asthma. The more we know, the more prepared we will be to recognize it and seek early intervention.

* Asthma is a chronic inflammation disorder of the airways


What is asthma

* The cause of asthma is still unknown but several predisposing factors to consider include genetic history with asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, weight and smoking history. Look at the slide below for symptoms of asthma.


How to recognize asthma

* 11 million Filipinos suffer from asthma and 98% of them are uncontrolled. Many asthma patients resort to medication only when they have attacks because they think that they are okay when they do not experience such attacks. As children grow up, regular doctor visits also lessen. Many rely on online resources on as-needed basis and this could lead to sub-optimal treatment and poor asthma control.


PH stats on asthma

* Asthma cannot be cured BUT it can beĀ controlled.

GSK’s campaign. “ASTHMAlaya Ka Ba Talaga?” is an initiative that seeks to encourage asthma patients to be more proactive in consulting their doctors on how to control their asthma better. This campaign is participated in by advocates from the Philippine College of Chest Physicians (PCCP) and the Philippine Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Inc. (PSAAI).

Watch this short video about the ASTHMAlaya campaign.

For more information about asthma awareness, visit GSK’s website,, or go to their Facebook page,


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